July 2024
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September 2024
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August 2024

UUCSS Calendar
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
      New Event Request01
View this entry7pm» Choir practice
View this entry7pm» Online Ops Council
New Event Request02
New Event Request03
View this entry10am» 12-Step Fellowship Meeting
View this entry5:30pm» Auction Canasta Party
New Event Request04
View this entry10:30am» Sunday Worship Service
New Event Request05 (Week 32)
View this entry7:30pm» Men's Group
New Event Request06
View this entry7pm» LDC Zoom Meeting
New Event Request07
View this entry7:30pm» UUkes strumming circle
View this entry7:30pm» Men's Group
New Event Request08
View this entry11am» Inreach
View this entry7pm» Choir practice
New Event Request09
View this entry8pm» Ladies Night Out
New Event Request10
View this entry10am» 12-Step Fellowship Meeting
New Event Request11
View this entry10:30am» Sunday Worship Service
New Event Request12 (Week 33)
View this entry2:30pm» Inreach meeting
View this entry7pm» UUCSS Death and Dying Group Meeting
View this entry7:30pm» Men's Group
View this entry7:30pm» Music Committee Meeting
New Event Request13
View this entry10am» Daytime Inreach Group
View this entry7:30pm» Online Property Committee
View this entry7:30pm» MKP Group
New Event Request14
View this entry7:30pm» Online IT Committee
New Event Request15
View this entry10:30am» board meeting planning meeting
View this entry7pm» Leadership Development Committee
View this entry7pm» Choir practice
New Event Request16
New Event Request17
View this entry10am» 12-Step Fellowship Meeting
New Event Request18
View this entry10:30am» High School Youth Group
View this entry10:30am» Sunday Worship Service
New Event Request19 (Week 34)
View this entry7:30pm» Men's Group
View this entry7:30pm» Defending Democrary
New Event Request20
View this entry7:30pm» Online Program Council
New Event Request21
View this entry7pm» SSNS New family Orientation
New Event Request22
View this entry11am» Inreach
View this entry7pm» Choir practice
New Event Request23
New Event Request24
View this entry10am» 12-Step Fellowship Meeting
New Event Request25
View this entry10:30am» Sunday Worship Service
View this entry1:30pm» AIM, ACT and PATH training
New Event Request26 (Week 35)
View this entry2:30pm» In Reach
View this entry7pm» UUCSS Death and Dying Group Meeting
View this entry7:30pm» Men's Group
New Event Request27
View this entry7pm» Retreat planning
View this entry7:30pm» MKP Group
New Event Request28
View this entry6pm» Lay Ministry Committee
View this entry7pm» SSNS Membership Meeting
View this entry7pm» UUCSS Board Meeting
New Event Request29
View this entry7pm» Choir practice
New Event Request30
New Event Request31
View this entry10am» 12-Step Fellowship Meeting

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