RE-connecting to Sharing: Poetry Share

Description: Do you have a favorite poem? Have you read a poem recently that moved you, or written a poem that begs to be shared?

Join us on May 14th from 10-11:30AM at UUCSS or on Zoom for a poetry share! Bring your favorite poem - your own or someone elses - to share and reflect on.
Date: Saturday, May 14, 2022
Time: 10:00am-11:30am
Duration: 90 minutes
Access: Public
Created by: UUCSS Administrator
Updated: Tuesday, April 12, 2022 3:20pm
Location(s): Dolan Lounge
Zoom 3
Point of Contact is REQUIRED: Laura Solomon
Event Category: All Church Event
Number of Expected People: 10 or less
Composition of Group: Intergenerational
Serving Food: No
Major Event: No

Email Administrator